

Once a week P2 class does swimming pool in the Club Maristes, the whole morning (9 to 12h) thus they take advantage of the spaces like the park, relax area…

Morning day-care

Morning day-care (8 to 8:30 free) and afternoon day-care (17:25 to 18h): we offer sporadic and permanent day-care services


In English and in Catalan.

Two references, obtaining that both languages per equal are present in the daily life and developing language skills of our pupils.

Music therapy

Once a week with a specialist from School Aula7

Sustainable development

We work to help our planet. We collaborate with the E+S Project from Barcelona Council.

School trips/outdoors

P2 does some during the course going to the Auditorium, Aquarium, Barcelona Tram, school camp, green point, etc


Once a month P2 students visit the Library to choose the necessary books for the monthly project.

School garden

P2 takes care of the school garden every term.

Pedagogical speeches

We offer the families with children in the nursery or from the neighbourhood the possibility to come to our free pedagogical speeches about aspects related to the growth and the cognitive and emotional development of the children.

Extracurricular activities

We offer music lessons (afternoons) and musical sensitization once a month on Saturday mornings.


Easter and Christmas Camp and July (included in the price) and summer Camp (some weeks in August): We offer a Camp full of motivational activities for the children to have some fun holidays at the same time as they learn.


We commit ourselves to provide fruits and vegetables with quality and from local producers. 

Health insurance

The school has a health insurance to bring an infant that needs to be addressed urgently.


The school has direct contact with the CDIAP for questions, performance or referral from school.